Bighorn Mountains Conquered

Written by Bob Techentin on .

The Troop 186 high adventure crew originally planned a Philmont Trek in early July 2018.  Unfortunately, Philmont caught fire, and they closed the premier Boy Scout High Adventure camp for the season.  Undaunted, our crew quickly planned an alternative trek.

The crew decided that they wanted to explore the Cloud Peak Wilderness recreational area in the Bighorn mountains of Wyoming.  It was an amazing feat to plan and execute a high adventure trip in just a couple of weeks, but they needed to keep the same calendar dates to accommodate the leader's prearranged vacations times.

It was quite an adventure just driving the thousand miles to the trail head, and an amazing week in the mountains.  We took a lot of pictures, played some cards, hiked a lot and had a great time.  You'll have to ask the trekkers for more details.  But here is a picture of us exiting the wilderness area.


The Crew at the Boundary
The Crew at the Wilderness Area Boundary