Spelunking Outing

Written by Brett Parks on .

Explore Kruger Cave November on our November campout. Safety is our number one priority followed by fun and adventure.  Someone once told me, “There is never bad weather, only poor choices in clothing”. (A true Minnesotan and Scouter, he is, I’m sure). 

This campout’s theme is wilderness survival and spelunking, a challenging undertaking by our scouts.  Both activities promise the opportunity to learn great things, but require additional regard to rules and good Scouting practices 
to ensure this adventure is safe. 

We will not be using tents on this trip.  One wilderness survival requirement is to have the scout build a shelter to sleep in.  In the event the temperature gets extreme, we’ll utilize the mouth of the cave for protection from the 
elements where the temperature is a constant 47 degrees. 

Scouts will receive instruction how to create a comfortable environment to survive in, while learning additional outdoor skills (see Wilderness Survival Merit Badge book for information). 

At our Monday meeting, a Wilderness Survival Merit Badge Workbook will be provided.  Scouts who want to complete this Merit Badge will need to fill out as much of the workbook as possible before the campout. 

Also at this meeting Ms. Olson, from the Minnesota Speleological Survey Organization will discuss safe and ‘leave no trace’ caving principles with the scouts. Scouts planning to go spelunking are highly encouraged to hear her talk. 
Parents are welcome to attend as well. 

The Kruger Cave camping trip is scheduled during deer hunting season.  I’ve talked with the farmers surrounding the cave area who have notified any hunters who may be in the area. 

Scouts are required to wear blaze orange covering at least half their person on this trip.  They must also carry and use flash lights one hour before dusk until one hour after first light. 

Saturday, October 31, a number of Assistant Scout Masters explored camp area and clearly marked our path (about a 3/4 mile trek) into the camping area.  We established a well defined perimeter of blaze orange strips of
cloth for scouts to identify our safe area.  The farmers and hunters are informed of our whereabouts as well. 

Scouts caving will be required to bring additional items.  An equipment check list will be provided at Monday's meeting.